The Dead Graphic Designer's Society
“O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills, ”
An Lanntair, Kenneth Street, Stornoway.
This all began in February.
I'd packed up the family, kids in suitcases, toothbrushes in the glove box, and left Glasgow after 14 years and headed for a new adventure in the Western Isles.
The very first day in Stornoway, I signed up as a supporting member of the local arts centre, An Lanntair. As the name suggested (Gaelic translation of 'The Lantern') it was a bright beacon in those darkly lit days offering an exhibition space, cinema, gigs, evening classes and a fine selection of Ales in the café bar.
Since then, I've dived headlong into An Lanntair's programme. Getting a weekly cultural hit via their events, inspiring interludes in the gallery and very un-culturally working my way through all the available Ales.
I also attended a couple of printmaking workshops, refreshing my creative perspective via the excellent tutelage of the highly talented Beth Legg and Gill Thompson. The chance to take my first steps into creating with a different medium was wholly enriching and I was indebted to An Lanntair and the artists who took time to pass on their process.
So, I was all varieties of chuffed when I got to repay some of that debt when they invited me to teach an evening workshop on Graphic Design. I'm excited to show students the craft of making a poster. Letting them in on techniques and processes I've learned in my 15 year career and seeing how they approach the creative brief I've got lined up.
Very excited, then, to announce Stornoway's first meeting of (completely unofficial title) 'The Dead Graphic Designer's Society' is on Tuesday 19th September. And, yes, they will all have to address me with 'Oh Captain! My Captain!'.
More information and booking on An Lanntair's website.
Pearse O'Halloran is an independent Graphic Designer and Illustrator, living in the Outer Hebrides. For ego stroking posts about new work and general life fluff, follow him on Twitter or Instagram